Found A Cane

As you know, I’ve been looking for a cane. My requirements were pretty simple: hardwood, crook neck, simple design, something that could be used for walking but also fighting, that I could take it anywhere (e.g. onto an airplane). It was a bit frustrating that I couldn’t find a cane anywhere in town that fit these needs. This is understandable tho, as most people who need a cane need it for true assistance with walking thus needs can be filled in other ways, such as using aluminum canes or wood with non-crook necks. I admit I was “this close” to ordering something online if this one place didn’t pan out.

But it did.

Someone had suggested I try out a feed store, so I went to a local Tractor Supply Co.. They didn’t have any canes in stock (they said sometimes they get them, but they’re never ordered they just show up every so often). However, the gentlemen there said to try a place called Callahan’s. I stored that in my head.

Daugther and Wife have started taking horse riding lessons, and they need some boots. I asked Tom where in town I could find boots that would suit the need but wouldn’t cost much. Until Daugther stops growing I’m not going to invest tons of money (even cheap Chinese boots are still kinda expensive), and I’ll spend the money on Wife once she knows what she wants. Tom suggested Callahan’s. So OK, now I have a few reasons to go there.

So today we went and visited Callahan’s General Store. The website will tell you nothing about the place. But folks, this place is awesome. It is a general store, with a little of everything. Western clothing, boots, hats, housewares, lots of cast iron cookware, toys, hardware (i.e. nails, screws), plumbing, feed, vermin traps, horse tack, livestock management needs, Texas-sized belt buckles, housewares, knick-knacks, even chicks and ducklings and sometimes rabbits. It was amazing the breadth of things they offered.

Upon walking in one of the first things I saw? A rack of canes. 🙂 I dug through it. A lot of neat canes but only a few crook-neck ones. Of the ones in there, this is the one I chose:

The cane is made by Brazos Walking Sticks. Or at least, that was the tag attached to the cane. The thing is, the tag says it is this model, but it certainly isn’t that model. This twisted oak model is close, but it’s certainly not twisted nor finished like that. It’s probably classified as the natural hardwood crook neck cane. Either way, they’ve got a lot of really cool canes.

It feels a little long for me. I’ll work later tonight on sizing it.

It should be suitable for martial arts work. It is a little heavy, so swinging it for strikes is a little much but certainly managable. There’s a point in the crook that feels thinner than the rest. I’m not sure how well it will stand up to abuse as I feel some flex. Sure some flex is expected, but it does make me wonder. Also the opening of the crook is just wide enough to fit around my neck, so it’s a bit narrower than I’d like. Still, this is a good start to things. Plus I like the look. It has a lot of character.

We’ll see how it goes. If it breaks or winds up not being suitable for martial technique, then I’ll probably seek out a purpose-built cane, such as from Cane Masters.

As well, Callahan’s General Store is neat! We did find boots for Wife and Daugther, which aren’t ideal long-term but should suffice for a good long while. Also bought some “cookies” for the horses. Neat store.

5 thoughts on “Found A Cane

    • While I agree about the security theater, I don’t see on that list where canes aren’t allowed.

      Some people need canes to walk. And while yes I’m not dependent upon a cane, some of my old ankle injuries flare up now and again and yes I legit need a cane. I can get along without, but something to help me walk sure facilitates things.

  1. Thanks for the good words on Brazos Walking Sticks, your Texas neighbor. We do 100’s of purpose-built, handcrafted walking canes, walking sticks, hiking staffs and trekking poles, including one-of-a-kind collector items. For example, see our new Hunter Sticks here: With all these you can add many accessories [including the Texas State Seal, compasses, special spikes, medallions, etc.] and they can also be personalized with laser engraving.
    As well, our master craftsman can custom, hand make one to your precise requirements. See here:
    Why don’t you visit the factory in Waco and meet some of the craftsmen? Bring the family.
    Keep your good work!

    • You’re welcome.

      Those Hunter Sticks are a great idea! One suggestion I’d have is putting some leather in the “Y” to give a little friction. I could see a rifle resting in the “slick” wood sliding around too much to be stable.

      Neat stuff!

  2. Pingback: Found More Canes | Stuff From Hsoi

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