
📷 Tim Reedy; making me look good during my AIWB Skills block.

My third TacCon has come and gone. What a marvelous time!

What made it extra special for me was Mrs. Hsoi joined me, as a guest of Lynn & Tom. As we embark on 27 years of marriage, to have TacCon23 as an anchor and milestone in our journey of “just the 2 of us” is a heck of a way to start!


I presented 3 blocks: 2 AIWB Skills (2-hour live fire) and The Aftermath (2-hour lecture, with Lee Weems and Erick Gelhaus). Beyond that, I was at the Mrs’ disposal. We took classes with Tom Givens, Massad Ayoob, John Holschen, Darryl Bolke (who really perked the Mrs’ interest on the topic of “Mouse Gun Mindset”), Lou Ann Hamblin, Erick Gelhaus, Lee Weems. All people well worth learning from. I will call out Darryl’s block, because yeah… having your head screwed on right is primary. It was a game-changer for the Mrs.

Karl and I have revised our book: Strategies and Standards for Defensive Handgun Training for 2023. We sold out of the first print run at TacCon, with more on the way!

Talking with John Farnam about the Barami Hip Grip. 📷 Jamie Meyer.

I’m still carrying the LCR .22LR in a City Special on an EDC Belt Co. Consequently I didn’t compete in the match. One, I didn’t want to complicate things for Martin and Julie. Two, “leave the Mrs alone on the sidelines” was not in my SOP for the weekend, dig?

I proposed to Karl that we do a joint class (lecture and/or live fire) at TacCon24… we shall see.


This was Mrs Hsoi’s first TacCon – into the deep end with the Rangemaster Family!

She was understandably nervous about attending. Lots of people-ing, with people she knows because I have spoken their name to her. Lots more gunfire than she’s used to hearing. Being away from the house, being comfortable. Being able to sleep (sometimes my snoring is too much; I booked a double-queen suite to try to help). Lots of stress and worries. As the event grew closer, she flipped her script, adopted a “I get to spend time with my honey” mindset, and while a lot of work, it was good. We took the van because there was a lot of stuff to pack and bring (including Spam… 😋).

AIWB Skills live fire. 📷 Jamie Meyer.

The rain on Day 1 didn’t help, but it also was cute because she had a head-to-shins-covering vinyl rain coat in her signature yellow. Caleb & Lisa Causey (familiar faces) were joking about mustard and “Did you get that at Academy?” “No… Prada.” 💅 All of the hugs and laughter helped her feel welcome. And Kristin… oh, you and the Mrs. bonded in a unique way. 😂 The welcome, open, and loving arms that immediately embraced her, taking her in. The inappropriate jokes, the voracious laughter, the abundance of hugs. It was jumping into the deep end, but hey… she got Tim Chandler to almost snort his drink out of his nose! I think she can hang. 😂

It was special on another level. We continue to embark on a new phase in our life, of it being about “just the 2 of us” (Bill Withers singing). This was the first time in ages we have taken an excursion just the two of us. Life’s been about the kids and the whole family for… ever. Oldest recently moved out. Daughter and Youngest in the next 1-3 years. So, we are doing more together. It’s a shift, a good shift, but a shift nonetheless; it requires work, commitment, dedication, flexibility, iteration. But hey, I get to do it with her, and that’s alright. It’s a lot of fun. Adventure is out there! 😎 To have TacCon23 as a milestone, even an anchor point in our continued journey through this thing that they call life? It’s pretty fucking cool. I love you, B. Thank you for being the biggest part of my life.