KR Training – Basic Pistol 1

What a fine day!

The weather was fantastic.

The students were great.

Just a great day to teach another Basic Pistol 1 class at KR Training.

Actually, we didn’t teach it at KR Training. Rather, we didn’t teach it at the A-Zone Range. Instead, we were at Schaefer Training Academy. Tom Schaefer offers, in conjunction with KR Training, the CHL classes and a Beginner Pistol class. Well, with some construction going on at the A-Zone, Tom was kind enough to let us use his place for class today. Thank you, Tom!

For me, what I liked about the class is refining the presentation. I’m finding places and ways to convey the same information in a simpler, and more effective way. It’s information overload as it is, so if we can simplify, put it into easier to remember terms, that’s going to go further and help out. I am happy to keep finding ways to do this.

Oh… and as I like to point out to those who wish to stereotype gun owners? I don’t think you could have pinpointed a single stereotype here. This was one of the more diverse classes (in every respect you could think of) I’ve been a part of. Actually, there might be one stereotype: it’s a group of people who understand and are willing to take responsibility for themselves. If being responsible for yourself is a bad thing, then none of us there today want to be right.

Thank you to the 11 students that came out today. Looking forward to seeing you back for Basic Pistol 2!

3 thoughts on “KR Training – Basic Pistol 1

  1. Sounds like a really great class! Talk about stereotypes? The last class that I taught had an age range from seventeen to sixty-eight. Three races, four if you call Hispanics a separate race. Evenly divided genders, and different goals as well. The seventeen year old just moved up to Seventh Bar Sharpshooter Rimfire Pistol! I love it when a plan works out!

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