Garage burglaries on the rise

Austin Police Department reports that garage burglaries are on the rise:

“This is the season. It’s summer. Many people are outside working in their yards. They leave the garage door open, and then thieves are driving around looking for opportunity,” said Austin Police Department Detective Jason Jewett.

One of the victims in Jester Estates is Senior Judge Jon Wisser. For years he’s sentenced crooks. This is the first time he’s been on the other side of the crime.

“I wasn’t gone but two minutes,” Judge Wisser said. “My garage door was open. The guy came in and stole my $4,000 carbon fiber bike.”

Crime of opportunity. Open doors, unlocked windows… most criminals want an easy target, an easy score, which they can then pawn.

We all do it… mow the lawn, leave the garage open. Might not be a big deal when you’re mowing/working on that side of the house, but then when you go into the backyard, it’s all unattended. And you might live in a “good neighborhood”, but check out these crime databases and you’ll see that crime strikes everywhere around you. So maybe when out working, close the garage door and lock it. Keep the opener in your pocket, the keys in your pocket, whatever. Maybe that’s a pain, but think about how much of of a pain it’ll be for all your things to get stolen and to deal with the loss, the police report, the insurance, and so on.

One thing I thought was cool in this story?

Families posted fliers in the neighborhood after many people started noticing items missing. A mail carrier saw the sign and notified police.

“That tip came in, and in about three days we had our guy,” says Detective Jewett.

Active and interested neighbors. They communicated with each other, they worked together. Involved and nosy neighbors can be good things.

2 thoughts on “Garage burglaries on the rise

  1. Hsoi, I wake up in the mornings and the first things I do is turn on the local news and make coffee. And still, you post local news I’ve not heard of!

    I’m fortunate to have moved into a really nice neighborhood where neighbors actively care for one another. Case in point, my car was damaged two weeks ago and with the help of neighbors who witnessed things, I was able to track down the guy responsible and have his insurance cover the repairs.

    Oh, and those posts about “Things your burglar won’t tell you”, I shared the full list with my neighborhood mailing list and it got a lot of positive replies (even I learned and have changed my OpSec).

    I’ll be sharing this too. Better to prevent now than cry later.

    Thanks, man!

    • Depends on who you go to for local news I guess. I linked to a report on KVUE’s website.

      That’s awesome that you’ve got neighbors that care and are aware and willing to speak up. Communication amongst neighbors is so key. We’ve got some new people moving into our neighborhood and I made sure the moment I first saw them to go up and introduce myself, give them my phone number and offer to help in whatever… even mundane things like wondering “who to call for pizza delivery”. 🙂

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