AAR – KR Training, 2013-06-08, Basic Pistol 1

Another month, another Basic Pistol 1 @ KR Training on the books.

Oddly, enrollment was down. We’ve had nothing but sold out classes for the first half of the year. I’m guessing it’s the typical reasons: it’s hot, it was the first weekend after government schools let out for the summer so families were heading out. But I can’t help but wonder if it’s perhaps the pendulum  swinging back — so much gun rush/panic, everyone’s panicked out, so now there’s a lull to compensate for the overcompensation. *shrug*  Given previous tracks, it’s probably due to the heat.

But still, we had a good class. Two-thirds of the class were women — that’s your growing demographic.

All in all class went alright. I felt a little off in my timing of the class flow, and for that I apologize. We’re always working to improve curriculum and it just gets tougher to get more information into the same limited amount of time. I’m still working on streamlining.

Still, the students were engaged, asking questions, and that’s always a good sign. I hope to see them back, especially when we start offering the force-on-force classes again (when the weather cools down). Hard skills, like marksmanship, are important, but it’s those “soft skills” like awareness, decision-making, etc. that take you further in personal defense.

Thank you all for braving the heat and spending your Saturday with us.