Why aren’t you outraged?

Set your anti-gun bias aside. You should be outraged about the “Fast And Furious” scandal. This is not how our government and so-called “leaders” should behave. Because if they’re doing this evil, what else are they doing?

Given all the politics and the cover up that even the former ATF director says has occurred, could operation Fast and Furious have been about anything other than pushing for new gun-control laws? And given all of this obfuscation from the Obama administration, isn’t this scandal comparable to the cover up that surrounded Watergate? After all, both administrations forgot that America is a country that reveres its freedom of the press and that in America officers speak out when misguided policies get cops killed. Here mothers testify before Congress when they find out a secret government program, and a stupid one at that, got their son killed.

Not that morality ends at the American border. To stress this point, Rep. Issa held a conference call with journalists on September 21 in which he said Marisela Morales, Mexico’s attorney general, is reporting that at least 200 Mexican deaths can now be traced to weapons from the Fast and Furious program.

And so the investigation and the bloody aftermath continue….

Forbes has this excellent write up.

The NY Post has an article as well.

Let that sink in: After months of pretending that “Fast and Furious” was a botched surveillance operation of illegal gun-running spearheaded by the ATF and the US attorney’s office in Phoenix, it turns out that the government itself was selling guns to the bad guys.


People were killed with Fast and Furious weapons, including at least two American agents and hundreds of Mexicans. And the taxpayers picked up the bill.

So where’s the outrage?

There’s none from the feds. Attorney General Eric Holder has consistently stonewalled Rep. Darrell Issa, Sen. Chuck Grassley and other congressional investigators.

In a constantly evolving set of lies, Holder has denied knowing anything about Fast and Furious while at the same time withholding documents from the House and Senate committees looking into the mess while muzzling some witnesses and transferring others.

Makes you wonder what the agenda was….

There are two possible explanations. The first is that the anti-gun Obama administration deliberately wanted American guns planted in Mexico in order to demonize American firearms dealers and gun owners. The operation was manufacturing “evidence” for the president’s false claim that we’re to blame for the appalling levels of Mexican drug-war violence.

If this is true, then Holder & Co. have got to go — and the trail needs to be followed no matter where it leads. For the federal government to seek to frame its own citizens is unconscionable.

A second notion is that the CIA was behind the whole thing, which accounts for all the desperate wagon-circling. Under this theory, the Agency feared the los Zetas drug cartel was becoming too powerful and might even mount a coup against the Mexican government. So some 2,000 weapons costing more than $1.25 million were deliberately channeled to the rival Sinaloa cartel, which operates along the American border, to keep the Zetas in check.

Of course, there’s a third explanation — that both scenarios are true, and that those in charge of Fast and Furious saw an opportunity to shoot two birds with one Romanian-made AK Draco pistol.

5 thoughts on “Why aren’t you outraged?

  1. What a cluster-f*@#

    When this story first broke, I thought it was just a misguided and poorly executed attempt at staunching the flow of arms into Mexico. It soon became apparent that it was much more than that. It now seems painfully evident that the higher-ups were attempting to manufacture evidence for future legislation.

    I’m interested in the theory of arming one cartel to keep another “in check”. It seems that history is littered with examples of governments arming certain factions due to short-sighted political reasons, only to end up fighting these same factions at a later date.

    • It’s all pretty sick. And when you look further, the whole drug war is kept on for little more than more political gain, posturing, control, and so on.

  2. Ending the War on Drugs is the only real solution. When a bag of pot is worth as much as a bag of Oregano then the cartels lose their primary source of money and incentives to act like they’re in a war.

    • You’re obviously not thinking of the children…

      And people have yet to learn from the history of Prohibition.

      People need to accept that drugs are a two-pronged issue: criminal and medical/health. Drugs are not going to go away… pretty much all critters like to get altered and have since the dawn of time. It’s not going to go away. But, to make it a criminal endeavor? That’s relatively new, and the cause of many of the crimes and problems that we have in modern society. We can do something about the criminal aspect and it will improve many things. Then we start treating drugs like the health issue they are, and we’ll see things improve — they’ll never go away, but we will see improvement.

      I do wish the public would come to accept this, not just “drugs are bad, m’kay?”

      Alas, the politicians won’t do it, because they need to “appear tough”… and there’s just way too much money involved in keeping things illegal. It’s corruption on both ends of the issue. *sigh*

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