Austin Flash Mobs… not the good kind

Friend of mine that lives in North Austin sent me this:

We were both gone Saturday. Neighbors reported that around 2 pm we had a gang of between 8-10 “YUTES” arrive on foot and, starting at the beginning of my cul-de-sac on both sides of the street, were smashing car windows with bats and burglarizing whatever contents they could find. An APD unit responded in less than 5 minutes (I was told) and while this was still in progress, but the “YUTES” split up, ran in different directions, and disappeared into backyards and over fences.  I am not aware that anyone was either detained or arrested.

Coincidentally, just yesterday Gabe Suarez posted on the topic. It’s a rising problem, but for whatever reason the media and police aren’t reporting on it. Curious that….

I was wondering when this was going to start happening in Austin. I guess that question is now answered.

I do hate how the term “flash mob” has been co-opted and turned from something spontaneous and fun to something so malevolent. Nevertheless, the take home is things are getting uglier out there. The predators are traveling in bigger packs.

Stay alert… and carry your damn gun, people.



9 thoughts on “Austin Flash Mobs… not the good kind

    • I don’t believe so. Which is part of what’s troubling. And this isn’t the first serious crime that we’re aware of that hasn’t made the news….. makes you wonder about reporting (either by the media, or by APD).

  1. Do you hear many reports coming out of Chicago about this issue?
    I don’t.

    If I hadn’t been reading Second City Cop blog, it would be flying under the radar. It is also happening in many other cities also.

    And as a side note, notice how the media is bending over backwards to avoid talking about how these poor disadvantaged ‘yutes’ all have computers and cell phones enabling them to organize these barbarian raids?

    The criminals aren’t making it easy on the anti-rights cultists — groups of 8 to 50 thugs roaming the streets seems like a good counter argument for magazine capacity limits, eh?

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